Jan 4, 2022Testing melee diamonds for laboratory-grown diamondsCheck out this quick test for melee diamonds using REE magnets!
Dec 28, 2021Testing for magnetism in laboratory-grown diamondsREE magnets can be used to attract some HPHT laboratory-grown diamonds. Find out more here!
Dec 22, 2021The Green Nuance in HPHT laboratory-grown diamondsYou've heard about the blue nuance. How about the GREEN nuance? Find out all about it here...
Dec 15, 2021The "Blue Nuance" - what is this subtle blue hue found in some HPHT laboratory-grown diamond?Learn all about the blue nuance and how it affects the testing of these stones.
Dec 8, 2021Diamond testers - Why they are not longer reliableDiamond mutli-testers are unreliable for separating colourless laboratory-grown diamonds from synthetic moissanite. Find out all about it...
Nov 30, 2021Jewellery Inspector - The ultimate tool for checking fluorescence and phosphorescence in diamondsHow to use the Jewellery Inspector by Gemetrix - the ultimate UV reaction. Full review by Julia Griffith.